Commissions & Working Groups
Our four Technical Commissions (InCom, MarCom, EnviCom & RecCom) cover the different areas of waterborne transport infrastructure. They are continuously supervising the work carried out by our experts in the respective Working Groups on industry-relevant topics. The reports prepared by these Working Groups are the core business of our Association and a highly respected resource for governments, companies, and industry associations.
Two further Commissions (CoCom & YP-Com) were set up to support Emerging Countries and Young Professionals.
Finances and Marketing are handled by FinCom and ProCom respectively.
PIANC Commissions
Chairperson Mr Philippe Rigo (Belgium)
- Vice-Chairperson Ms Jasna Muskatirovic (Serbia)
Deals with all matters related to inland navigation
Chairperson Mr Egbert van der Wal (The Netherlands)
Vice-Chairperson Mr Babak Banijamali (Iran)
Deals with maritime ports and seaways issues
Chairperson Mr Burton Suedel (USA)
Deals with both broad and very specific navigation sustainability and environmental risk-related issues of interest to PIANC that cross cut all PIANC areas.
Chairperson Mr Esteban Biondi (Argentina)
- Vice Chairperson Mr. Michiel De Jong (The Netherlands)
Deals with all matters related to recreational navigation
Chairpersons Mr Abbas Sarmad (USA) & Mohammadreza Allahyar (Iran)
Deals with the organisation of the PIANC-COPEDEC Conferences and the target country approach
Chairperson Mr Sebastián Iglesias (Argentina), Co-Chairperson Mr Hyun Dong Kim (Korea)
- Dealing with networking activities, such as participation in meetings and events, PIANC Commissions and Working Groups
Chairperson Mr Ian White (UK)
- Vice Chairperson Mr Manuel Arana (Spain)
Deals with the financial management of PIANC
Chairperson Mrs Chiara Minoretti ad interim (Italy)
- Vice Chairperson
Deals with the marketing and promotion of the Association